Friday, August 27, 2010

#322 Cherry Terror Website

Doh! I almost missed number #322! This is a website for an amazing performer friend of mine Cherry Zonkowski! She had an amazing run at the Marsh recently. Her website was build using custom them for the Wordpress platform so that it could be upgraded easily.

#321 New version of the Jellyfish Gallery Website

So things constantly grow and evolve and that goes for the needs of the folks I build for too. The super good folks at the Jellyfish Gallery needed to upgrade their site. This is what we are rocking right now. It is a Wordpress 3.0 custom theme using the arras theme core. There are still some tweaks to be made but all the functionality is there. (oh, and of course some hacks for IE users.)

#328, #327, #326, #325, #324, #323 Monthly Bawdy Graphics January through June

In an effort to catch up with my blogging and in order not to go stir crazy while I am sick I thought I would gang up some projects in single posts - well when they go together. These are an easy one to do because the dates are in the graphics ;). This art can be seen in context at

Saturday, August 21, 2010

#329 Bawdy Storytelling Graphic

Graphic for the monthly event. August.

#330 My little pony poncho of doom

For that thing in the desert (not for me, for a friend).

I dont' go to that thing in the desert. I don't like being uncomfortable. I don't like dirty hipsters. I don't like dirty hippies. I dislike e-tards. On the other hand I love LOVE love making stuff. And my friend needed a My Little Pony Poncho, so I was compelled to make one. It is modeled here by my youngest boy. The dance moves are his own.

#331 Tacos on Prom Night - Business Cards

These are slim business cards for a friend's band.

#332 Fresh Bite Banner

This banner was done on canvas and is used at farmer's markets... I will have a pick up of the real deal as soon as I get one.

#333 Creep Flower sketching

I was blocked and feel back on creepy flowers today.